Let’s Get You Your Child Back

For Parents

You’ve raised your baby since birth and hate seeing him/her like this. They isolate themselves in their room. They stopped talking to you or yell at you. They act different. Their grades or work are getting worse. They doesn’t seem motivated. The teachers say they don’t focus in class. They spend all day on video games or their phones. They have bad relationships or struggle to find anyone good. They’re always alone. You know your child is smart and you wonder why they’re struggling so much. You see them struggling and it breaks your heart.

Your child needs someone they can relate to. Someone they feel comfortable around. But you can’t just choose anyone. Your child needs someone who gets them, personally and professionally.

I’ll Be The Successful Big Brother They Need

With our treatment they’ll learn the exact mindsets and therapy skills to fix this for good. They’ll have an older, successful role model.

I will also communicate with you about your child’s treatment so you know exactly how its going.

Agam Dhawan Psychiatrist Psychiatry

The Best Parents Act in Our Kids’ Best Interests

How much is it costing them to keep struggling? What grades could they be making right now? How much of their future are they ruining? How much time are they wasting? What are they going to do when you’re gone?

We both know our teens and 20s are THE time to develop our careers and personal lives. If they loses this chance, they’ll never get it back.

Let’s Get You Your Child Back


  • Absolutely. Because I don't deal with insurance there will be absolutely no record of his treatment anywhere else except with me. His employer or school won't know. Future health or life insurance applications won't know. Let's face it, these conditions get judged in society. He doesn't need to let this affect his future. People will only know if he chooses to share it.

  • As much as your son allows. If he’s over 18, he has full treatment rights. But I’ll encourage him throughout to include you in the treatment. In my experience clients do better when their family is involved in the process. We’ll even have group sessions where everyone comes to the table together.

  • This is a new concept for a lot of parents, I get that. Mental health is everything related to wellbeing of someone's mind, including their physical brain, their psychology, and the environment they’re raised in. Just like we can eat the right foods and do the right exercises for our physical health, we can do the right actions for our mental health.