Board-Certified Psychiatrist

For Parents (CLICK HERE): Let’s Get You Your Child BACK

Your initial 90-minute intake session includes ALL of the following:

Psychiatric Evaluation

We will spend our first 90 minutes together doing a complete psychiatric evaluation (click here). Together we will explore you or your child’s symptoms, how they started, and how exactly they’ve been affecting you. Together we will understand you as a person, not just a bunch of symptoms. At the end, you will have a diagnosis. You will have an explanation for the symptoms you’ve dealt with. You will come out the other side with tears of joy feeling relieved that you finally have answers. And you will have a complete plan for treatment, which will include the following:

Medication Management

You or your child may have tried meds before. They didn’t have work. You had side effects. Your previous doctor put you on a med then checked 2 months later in a 15 minute appointment. It took them months to make one change you needed weeks ago. This will be different.

We have scoured the scientific studies to make sure we choose the best medication for you. We will check week by week to see how you respond. We may not even use medications if we decide that.

Because we’ll be working closely, you’ll get better faster because we’ll know exactly the right dose for you. You’ll know about any possible side effects and how to deal with them.

Integrative & Holistic Mental Health

Now here’s where every other doctor would stop. They’d give you a pill and see you in 2 months. But not here. We use an integrative approach where medications are just a small part of the treatment.

And all of the below are included in your INITIAL SESSION:

Lab Studies

We’ve seen too many clients with bad Anxiety, Depression, or ADHD because they had an underlying thyroid, hormone, or nutritional problem.

We’ll order a complete set of blood work to make sure that doesn’t happen to you. There’s certain labs that no other doctor has checked for you before because they don’t know or its too much effort for them. Examples include:

-Zinc, Magnesium, B12/folate, detailed Iron studies, Vitamin D, testosterone, estrogen, thyroid antibodies

We make sure you get the most thorough care possible.

Natural Supplementation

Our patients have found combining scientifically-backed supplements WITH their medications helps them recover faster and with lower doses of medication. We guarantee you will never get this in any other doctor’s office.

For example: 2000 mg of Omega-3’s have been shown to reduce inflammation and improve ADHD, anxiety and depression treatment when paired with antidepressants.

Your lifestyle dramatically affects your mental health. We can reduce or even eliminate your medications just by fixing a few things in your life.

Lifestyle Coaching

Genetic Testing

Our patients often come to us having tried different medications with none of them working. What other sometimes don’t understand is all of our bodies and genes are different. This is why we order genetic testing (just needs a saliva sample!) so we know exactly the best medications = doses for you.

Mental Health Tracking

We’ll track your treatment results using research-backed rating scales. Our patients have found seeing their depression, anxiety and ADHD scores go down motivates them to keep making progress.

Concierge Treatment

Our patients find us because they’re tired of seeing a doctor for 15 minutes, getting a pill, then not seeing their doctor again for 2 months. They’re tired of reaching out to the doctor after having a side effect or new symptoms and the doctor taking days to respond, if not responding at all. They’re tired of insurance not covering their medication or being stuck with a doctor they don’t like. They’re tired of waiting 2 weeks to see their doctor when they need to be seen sooner for an urgent issue.

Not at Level Up Psychiatry.

A Psychiatrist On Speed-Dial

You will have Dr. Dhawan’s personal portal information to message him with any concerns, symptoms, side effects, or medication issues you have. No more waiting days to fix a pharmacy error or weeks to make a dosage adjustment while you’re struggling. No more calling a doctor only to have the message go to a secretary and get lost. You will receive an answer within 24 hours.

Insurance Claims Filed For You

Our office will submit each visit to your insurance company FOR YOU so you’re REIMBURSED for your treatment. Never again will you be stuck on the phone for hours with them. This helps you meet your yearly out-of-network deductible so that all of your other medical care gets covered.



Complete Privacy From Insurance Companies

Some clients want NO trace of mental health visits in insurance records. They don’t want it affecting their or their children’s future health insurance, disability insurance or life insurance. Or have mental health visits come up in future background checks, job checks (doctors, lawyers, military personel etc.) or school admissions.

For these select private clients, your treatment records will remain only between doctor and client - as it should be.

Same Week Appointment

Our patients do not wait weeks or months to see the psychiatrist when they’re struggling. They get appointments the very same week. We believe that when you have an issue, that we should address it immediately.

ALL of the above are included in your initial 90 minute session

We will make sure you get the BEST care for your mental health needs. We’ll know your:

  • Exact diagnosis so you won’t be confused or get treated for the wrong thing

  • Genetic testing results so we know how your genes affect your medications

  • Specialized Bloodwork results to we can fix any nutrient or electrolyte issues

This lets us use:

  • The lowest amount of medications (ideally just one) at the smallest dose possible

  • The optimal natural supplements + nutrients for your body to boost your mental health and cut down on medication

  • Lifestyle changes to use the lowest amount of medication possible and fix your problem naturally

And then we will:

  • Track your results with RESEARCH-BACKED scales so we prove that you’re getting better.

  • Submit your claims to insurance so you can get REIMBURSED using out-of-network coverage.

  • Give you Dr. Dhawan’s Personal Portal Contact to reach him whenever you need.

That will be all that most people need. This is what I call the:

90-Day Level Up System

Follow-up Sessions:

Follow-up sessions will be either 30 or 60 minutes long depending on our goals together.

All lab readings, genetic testing readings, medication refills, doctor-patient communication, and extra forms will be included in the follow-up appointment cost.

Your Guarantee

This is psychiatry like you’ve never seen before. I stand completely by this system. If for any reason you’re not satisfied in the first session before we start treatment, We’ll completely refund your payment. No questions asked.

What people are saying: